Developing a Content Model of Social Irresponsibility Influencing the Brand Hate (Case Study: Iranian Banking Industry)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management,, School of Economics, Management & Social Sciences,/Shiraz University

2 . Corresponding Author: Associate Professor and faculty member, Department of Management, School of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran:

3 . Assistant Professor and faculty member, Department of Management, School of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Social responsibility is one of the most important issues in business that paying attention to and using it leads to a competitive advantage and not paying attention to it leads to negative consequences. The purpose of this study is to present a content model of social irresponsibility affecting brand hatred in the Iranian banking industry. In this study, by examining the background and interviews with 10 experts in the Tehran banking industry, the themes and categories of indicators of irresponsibility, social responsibility and brand hatred were extracted. Then, the topics of the brand hatred index were researched with a researcher-made questionnaire and the opinions of 15 experts in Tehran banking industry and the best-worst method were weighed. Then, based on the weights obtained and the researcher-made questionnaire and referral to the mentioned experts, the categories of social irresponsibility were prioritized using the multi-mora technique. Finally, by referring to the mentioned experts, higher priority indicators were determined by interpretive structural modeling, leveling and relationships between them. The findings of this study show that the themes of disregard for social justice and disregard for moral issues have the most advancement in facilitating the acceptance of social responsibility.


Main Subjects

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