About Journal

  • Brand Management is a quarterly published Journal with scientific/research approach. Its mission is developing management knowledge in the fields of strategy and marketing through publishing research papers in branding and brand management and related topics. The received manuscripts first will be examined relevance and complying with scientific and research framework and then will be peer reviewed.

    According Letter No. 3.18.168321 dated 16.8.1394 (in Solar year) from Minster of Sciences, Research and Technology, this quarterly journal has got the scientific and research grade.

  • Country of Publication: Iran
  • Publisher: Alzahra University
  • Format: Print & Online
  • ISSN: 32222345(Print) 
  • Available from: magiranRiceStISCnoormags
  • Impact Factor: Not Yet Available
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Language: Persian, English
  • Scope: Brand Management
  • Article Processing Charges: No
  • Types of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journals
  • Open Access: Yse
  • Policy: Double-Blinded Peer Review
  • Review Time: Eight Weeks Approximately
  • Contact  e-mail: bmr@alzahra.ac.ir