Designing a Perceived Risk Model for Buyers of Unknown Brand Products on Instagram Social Network: Based on the Grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Business Management - Shahid Beheshti University

2 Associate Professor, University of Guilan


Due to the increasing penetration of the Internet and also the expansion and promotion of social networks in Iran, its use has found different aspects. The Present study explained the perceived risk phenomenon of unconventional brands on Instagram for clothing products. The method of the present study was based on grounded theory- the first generation, which after confirming the validity of the research through validation; the coding process was performed in three stages. 16 people who had a history of buying through Instagram were surveyed using semi-structured interviews. The results showed that in the causal factors section, three themes of buyer-related factors, vendor-related factors, and platform-related factors were identified. In the intervening factors section, three themes of factors related to price, product, and promotion were extracted. The context factors section was categorized into 5 sections, and finally, research strategies were extracted in three levels: technical, sales and marketing, and customer relationship management. The finding of the research suggested that these strategies have many positive and negative consequences in the short and long term, the implementation of which depends on the infrastructure and macro issues of the country.


Main Subjects

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