A Study of Some Brand Community Outcomes and Their Impact on Behavioral Loyalty (Case Study: 2020 Internet Services of Isfahan Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran

2 MSc, Business management department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Payam Golpayegan Institution of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran.


Today, the changes in the society and the economy have clearly been reflected in communities’ development. These communities are created by the development of new social and marketing networks and are expanding under the dominance of advanced communication technology. The aim of the present study is to investigate some of the brand community outcomes and its impact on behavioral loyalty (the customers’ willingness to repurchase and recommend the brand) in the telecommunication company of Iran. The statistical population of this study is more than a hundred thousand people including the users of the Telecommunication Company of 2020 Internet services in Isfahan province. Based on Morgan's table, the sample size was calculated equal to 384 people. Required data were collected through questionnaires. The research hypotheses were analyzed using structural equations method. Overall, the results of modeling show that customers create a wide variety of relationships with brand communities. These relationships can be positive or negative. The results of the research also indicate that the brand community has a positive impact on customer/product relationships, customer/brand relationships, customer/company relationships, and customer/other customers’ relationships, which in turn have a positive impact on brand attachment and brand commitment. The customer/ company relationship with the brand commitment was not confirmed, but the positive impact of the commitment and attachment on the willingness to recommend the brand to others and the intention to repurchase was confirmed.


Main Subjects

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