Effecs of Electronic Word of Mouth Perceptions on Alzahra University Brand Image

Document Type : Research Paper


1 associate professor, Department of Management , Faculty of Social Science and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran,Iran

2 Alzahra University

3 Tutor , Department, of Computer Engineering , Faculty of Engineering, University of Birjand,


The present study is the first research that examines the impact of electronic word of mouth and the image of the university brand on university selection by postgraduate students. Evaluated variables of electronic word of mouth include source credibility, message quality, message quantity, and message recipient characteristics. As the rank of students on entrance exam is an important factor in students making decision about choosing a university, this is considered as a moderator variable in the proposed model.
The statistical population of this study is graduate and postgraduate students. Using stratified cluster sampling method, 384 questionnaires distributed among postgraduates studying at ten major faculties of Alzahra University. The data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling.
The results of this study indicate that the message quality, message quantity and the characteristics of the message recipient have a positive and meaningful effect, while due to the lack of ranking; the validity of the source has a negative impact on the acceptance of electronic word of mouth. The quality of the message is the most effective dimension in accepting electronic recommendations. Also, the rank of students as a moderating variable has moderate intensity effect in the master degree and high intensity in doctoral degree on university selection. The Faculty of Theology, among other faculties of Alzahra University, had the best image of the Alzahra University brand. The bisexuality of Alzahra University is positively assessed in the formation of mental image. So, it should be used as an advantage in gaining a competitive advantage and the university brand strategy.


Main Subjects

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