Analyzing the Company's Supervisory Role (managerial characteristics and audit committee)on Brand Value in Tehran Stock Exchange Using Cultural Algorithms and Linear and Nonlinear Estimators

Document Type : Research Paper



2 pnu

3 Supreme Audit Court of Iran

4 Accounting


This paper examines the usefulness of the cultural approach in analyzing the effect of regulatory factors on the brand value of the company as well as predicting brand value by linear and nonlinear estimators. In this regard, the Q Tobin ratio has been used to measure brand value. Initial independent variables in this research include supervisory variables (management features and audit committee). The empirical findings related to the survey of 190 companies admitted to Tehran Stock Exchange during the period from 2012 to 2019 show that the variables of the ratio of institutional owners, the ratio of non-obligor managers, the company's political relationship, the ownership ratio and the concentration of ownership are stronger to explain the brand value by using cultural method than other variables of power. Moreover, the other result of the research is that in predicting brand value, the nonlinear estimator has higher ability than linear communication method.


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