Introducing a Brand Image Model Promotion for NAJA (The Police of The Islamic Republic of Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Business Management at Kharazmi University and International Branding Consultant

2 (corresponding Author) Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Amin Police University.

3 Phd student of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Business Consultant.


NAJA is a security-social organization that possesses a logo, graphic signs, motto, flag, and uniform. The police are the owner or creator of the NAJA brand. As there has been no research in the field of branding on the Promotion of Police Brand Image (PPBI)so far, this absence can lose some of the soft power of the police, and can lead to irreparable damage to the security of the country. This research is a qualitative, fundamental-applied, and descriptive- exploratory type. First, the theoretical literature and previous studies were reviewed and the critical success factors of the police brand image in England, France, and Malaysia were investigated by thematic analysis and then accordingly the basis of the questions and discussions for in-depth semi-structured interviews formed at this step. In the second step, after doing semi-structured interviews with 15 experts (executives and academics) and using a constructing approach of Grounded Theory, a comprehensive and local PPBI model has emerged. The validity of this research was examined and approved by the interviewers and then expert professors. The reliability was %75 which obtained through using the methodology of auditing results process. The structured and final model includes eight conceptual components including: 1) Structured social sympathy, 2) Community police culture, 3) Institutionalized accuracy and speed, 4) Media authority, 5) Performance of other social institutions, 6) NAJA brand trust, 7) Institutionalized technology & innovation, and 8) Branding insight of staff.


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