Analysis of the role brand experience, motivation and Customer Citizenship Behavior on the Value Co-Creation Attitude and Subjective Norms

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Economic & Management, Semnan University

2 Ph.D. Student of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management, Semnan University


The logic of goods dominance in marketing has given way to the logic of service dominance.That, In the meantime, the customer is in focus of attention and is involved in many of the company's processes from designing ideas to producing customer ideas. This, in turn, highlights the importance of customer participation in the process of value co-creation; Which could lead to a competitive advantage for companies.Considering the importance of this issue, the present study examines the attitude of the customers towards the value co-creation process.This is an applied and descriptive study and has been performed by survey method.For this purpose, a sample of 400 clients of the hypermarket in Semnan was randomly selected.The questionnaire based on Likert spectrum was used in order to collect data. Structural equations’ modeling was used to analyze research data. ­The results of the analysis of the collected questionnaires showed that Corporate Brand Experience, Customer motivation and Customer Citizenship Behavior has a positive effect on the Customer Value Co-Creation Attitude and Subjective Norms. Also, the effect of the subjective norms on the value co-creation attitude was confirmed.
