Presenting a model for promoting creativity theories in marketing and artificial intelligence using metacombination method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's degree. Faculty of Management and Accounting, Payam Noor University, Babol, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran. Iran

3 Master student, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran. faeghe



The main goal of this research is to provide a model for promoting creativity theories in marketing and artificial intelligence using metacombination method. The current research is developmental in terms of its purpose, qualitative in terms of the nature of the data, and meta-composite in terms of documental data collection. Critical Assessment Skills Program (CASP) can be used to evaluate articles. Based on 52 articles selected from reliable scientific databases, the process of extracting information from the results and analyzes of these articles was done, and after evaluating each of them, 25 articles were finally approved and screened. Then, by examining the backgrounds and models of approved articles, a new conceptual model design was obtained. for the category of creativity theories from three indicators of individual creativity (personal creativity, creative advertising insight, creative performance, creativity in sales); organizational creativity (collective creativity, advertising creativity, strategic innovation, creative self-efficacy); Product creativity (product innovation, creative production, new product innovation) was extracted. Also, for the marketing category, three indicators of marketing strategy (creative marketing strategy, marketing activities, marketing channels); B2B marketing capability (information management, planning, implementation); Integrated digital marketing (experiential marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, real-time marketing) was extracted, and finally, for the category of artificial intelligence, an index of artificial intelligence capabilities was extracted (artificial intelligence strategy for leading smart technologies, artificial intelligence-based marketing).


Main Subjects

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