Designing an antecedent and antecedent model of the crowdsourcing approach of social networks in the field of branding

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Lorestan University

2 PhD Student Human Resources Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran



The Growth and Development of the Internet and Other Social Media Provide Businesses with Opportunities to Use New Resources. Although the Crowdsourcing Approach is Considered a New Marketing Approach for some Businesses and Marketers, it is Still Not Well Known. Therefore, Different Businesses Use this Approach to Improve Business Performance and Create a Competitive Advantage. This Research was Carried out to identify the Antecedent and Consequent Factors of the Crowdsourcing Approach of Social Networks in the Field of Branding and Analyze these Elements Using the Fuzzy Mapping Method. In terms of Practical Purpose and in terms of the way of Collecting Descriptive Information, it is Considered Survey Type. In terms of Methodology, the Current Research is Considered Survey Research in Terms of Information Gathering. The Statistical Population of this Research in the Qualitative part are Marketing Experts and Professors of Lorestan University who have Experience Teaching or Writing Research Articles in the field of Electronic Marketing, and Using the Purposeful Sampling Method Based on the Principle of Theoretical Saturation, 10 of them are Sample Members. Were Chosen. The Tool for Collecting Information in the Qualitative part of the Research is a Semi-Structured Interview and in the Quantitative part, a Questionnaire. To Measure the Validity and Reliability of the Information Gathering Tool in the Department, the Content Method and Theoretical Validity and Intra-Coder and Inter-Coder Reliability were Used, and also the Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire was Measured Using Content Validity and Retest Reliability. In this Research, To Analyze the Data in the Qualitative part, the content analysis approach and the coding method were used using the Atlas T software, and in the Quantitative Part, the Fuzzy Mapping Method was Used.


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