Study and analysis of tourism branding in Shiraz city using the strategic management model of the destination brand

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Interior Architecture, Shiraz Art University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Associate Prof, Faculty member of College of Tourism and Hospitality of Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

3 Graduated from Master of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran



In the highly competitive market of tourism, destination marketing to increase brand equity with a focus on the key factors as the dimensions of brand equity and the correlation between these dimensions due to tourists is an evaluation of a dimension, other dimensions under It should be noted that this issue is of special importance in the final evaluation of the tourist from the destination. In this regard, the present study is to study and analyze the tourism branding of Shiraz city using the strategic management model of the destination brand. This research is mixed in terms of applied-developmental purpose and based on the research method, so that in the qualitative part of Interviews with experts and a small part of the questionnaire were used. Also, to examine the current situation of differentiating and effective components in the optimization and development of tourism in Shiraz, the analysis of a pair of questionnaires including the three dimensions of physical factors, activity and meaning in determining the sense of place in the tourist destination (Shiraz) has been used. The results showed that the "historical and civilizational history of Shiraz", which is one of the physical factors, according to statistics has the highest impact on the sense of location of Shiraz. After that, "celebrities and superior attributed to Shiraz" have been more effective in terms of activity and "historical attractions of Shiraz" have been more effective in terms of physical than other expressions.


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