Presenting the branding model of technological products in knowledge-based companies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding author and Associate Professor of Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.

2 . Ph.D student in Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.



Today, there is a highly competitive environment between organizations and the dynamics of technology and environmental complexities have caused organizations to survive in this competitive environment to think about differentiating and creating features for their products to be able to compete with competitors. Overcoming and looking for ways to make more profit, one of the things that is used in this regard is the discussion of branding. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of designing a model for branding technological products in knowledge-based companies. This research is a qualitative research in terms of applied purpose. The statistical population of the study consists of branding experts and marketing managers of knowledge-based companies who have been selected using purposive sampling method. The data collection tool for identifying categories is semi-structured and unstructured interview. To check the validity, the Cresol model was used along with the content validity and the reliability of the encoder and intermediate encoder. In this research, to present the research model, the data theory theory approach with Strauss and Corbin method has been used. In Strauss and Corbin model, the main elements of the model are causal conditions, underlying factors, interfering factors, pivotal phenomena and strategies and consequences, which are identified in this section using Atlas.ti software and coding method. The results of the research include providing a model including causal conditions (brand planning, competitive conditions, sanctions and market research), context (culture, organizational performance and organic structure) and interventionist (legal infrastructure). And management, organizational effectiveness, economic status and social responsibility) along with introducing the central phenomenon (brand Architecture, brand position and brand trust) and presenting technological product branding strategies (brand architecture, advertising and marketing strategies) and identifying its consequences (Profitability, brand equity, economic development and program and technology development). In this research, the branding model of technological products is presented based on the three axes of brand awareness, brand position and brand trust.


Main Subjects

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