Pattern of factors affecting customer resistance in industrial markets

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated Professor of Business Administration, Department, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i university. Tehran, Iran.

2 student in Business Administration, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i university, Tehran, Iran.


Today, increasing competition between companies has made customer attracting a challenging issue. In industrial markets where the number of customers is less and the volume of purchases is higher, the issue of attracting customers is very important. However, sometimes customers resist the offers of companies and do not want to change the current supplier or use new offers. Therefore, the issue of resistance of industrial customers to the offers of companies in industrial markets is a deterrent to attracting customers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the theoretical foundations and factors affecting customer resistance based on a review of previous research. This research is of applied and descriptive type. Data collection has been through the collection and review of previous articles and research in various internal and external databases. Also, the meta-combined method has been used to conduct research. The analysis of the findings has also been obtained through the coding of previous research texts. Finally, as the results of the research, the factors affecting the resistance of industrial customers have been identified and classified into three groups: technical factors, perceptual factors, and economic factors.


Main Subjects

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