Document Type : Research Paper


1 1. Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University (Corresponding Author);

2 Payam Noor University, Public Administration and Political Science

3 Master of Business Management, Ardebili Higher Education Institute, Ardebil, Iran

4 Applied Scientific Training Center of Industrial Management Organization;, Ardabil, Iran


In the realm of brand culture, customer management is silent and it is generalized to identify the progress of a brand among the target community. Unfortunately, today  most brands in Iran have forgotten the impact of their brand culture on customers, and this has caused stagnation in their sales. In order to deal with this issue, spreading the brand culture will be the solution to this issue. This research, by determining and studying the factors influencing the formation of brand culture in the field of agriculture and industry of Iranian customers, trys to find a set of values and beliefs that the brand is surrounded and can establish proper communication with customers and identify them.


Main Subjects

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