The Effect of Dimensions of Brand Hate on Consumer Behavior

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MAs Business Administration, Shahed University

2 Associate Professor, Shahed University


Consumers differ in their relationship with the brand: some people have positive feelings (love) towards the brand, some are indifferent and others have negative feelings (hate) towards the brand. Hating a brand is as natural a feeling as loving a brand which is common in consumer markets. Brand aversion is a new but very important and necessary concept that, although it has been neglected in the past, fortunately, it has recently received the attention of researchers. Due to the importance of the issue, there is a need to know more about it. Based on this, the purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the concept of brand hatred, its factors and consequences. The current research is an applied research in terms of its purpose and a descriptive research of correlation and regression analysis in terms of the nature or method of data collection. The target community is the consumers of Iran Khodro (Samand and Peugeot 206) and Saipa (Saina and Pars Tondar) products in Tehran. The sample included the people who expressed hatred towards the brand at the time of distributing the questionnaires. The sampling method is random sampling available or accidental. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. The intended sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula of 384 people, and finally 400 questionnaires were distributed and analyzed. The data analysis method is structural equation modeling using PLS and SPSS software. According to the results of the research, disgust, insult and anger were recognized as the components of brand hatred. It was also confirmed that brand hatred will cause brand change, private complaint, public complaint, retaliatory action against the brand, revenge against the brand and willingness to spend money to damage the brand from the consumer.


Main Subjects

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