Text Mining of the Comments of Customers of Samsung Mobile Phone Brand with the Approach of Discounted E-Purchases

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Business Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Business Management Department, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The comments of online store customers show that they have always been skeptical about store discounts and how they are satisfied in terms of quantity and quality of these discounts has been neglected in the ambiguity and silence of previous researches. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure and present a model of customer satisfaction with discounted electronic purchases using the text mining of customer comments in the Digikala online store.The research method of the present study is postmodern in terms of paradigm, applied in terms of purpose and laboratory-simulation in terms of nature with qualitative-quantitative approach. Data collection tools have been library studies and taking notes of customer comments. The statistical population of this study was all the comments on the product of Samsung A12 mobile phone and the statistical sample was selected as a whole. Data analysis method was performed using text mining and LDA method after preprocessing the data and assigning thematic categories. The results showed that the LDA convergence rate for determining thematic categories was six categories, including discount time, discount amount, discount campaign, discount mouth-to-mouth communication, discount perception and types of discounts. The categories were identified for each of the 20 most frequently repeated words in the comments, then the possible positive and negative words for each of the thematic categories were determined and the path coefficient and its importance in the relevant model were presented. The results showed that customers are more sensitive to the discounts of online stores than traditional stores, and compared with the results of previous research, it was found that their satisfaction with online discounts includes more complex dimensions that need to be debugged to properly manage the discount and the discount check is in the form of complete information and awareness. The results of this study can be used by all online stores that use discount pricing strategies.


Main Subjects

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