Mapping Iranian consumers' mental map of China's country-of-origin brand

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Business management department, Faculty of Management and Economic, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Master of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Economic, Qom University. Qom, Iran


China's brand management in the Iranian market depends on understanding the mentality of Iranian consumers regarding China's Country of origin (COO). This study aims to map the mind map of Iranian consumers towards China's COO. Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (Zmet) is used to identify the mental structures and the Brand Concept Map (BCM) is used to map the mental map of Iranian consumers regarding China's COO. The statistical population is the honorary observers of the Consumers and Producers Protection Organization and The research sampling method is purposeful. Results showed that the mind map of Iranian consumers regarding China's COO has six positive and eighteen negative associations. Positive associations include low price, variety, frugality, high choice, high availability and savings. Negative associations include low quality, copying, low durability, low prestige, fraud, mass production, substandard goods, performance risk, stealing the country's jobs, betraying the country, betraying the country's industries, destroying the country's economy, low quality of life, useless, cosmopolitanism, betrayal of biodiversity,


Main Subjects

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