Investigating the Effect of Brand Association on Customer Trust and Loyalty with the Mediating Role of Brand Commitment in Bank Mellat Branches in Hamedan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Iran,

2 Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Iran,


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of brand association on customer trust and loyalty with the mediating role of brand commitment in Bank Mellat branches in Hamadan. The research method is descriptive-survey. A standard questionnaire was used to collect data. The statistical population of this research is all customers in Bank Mellat branches in Hamadan. The number of these customers is limited to 282 according to the statistics provided by the Bank's Branch Management Planning Department in the city of Hamedan. The sample of this study was 167 people using Morgan table. In order to measure brand association, brand trust and customer loyalty, Angook Fan and Qantos (2013) questionnaire was used. The collected data in this study were analyzed using Lisrel software. The results of the hypotheses indicate the confirmation of all hypotheses. Brand commitment in this study also mediates the relationship between brand association and customer loyalty and trust.


Main Subjects

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