The Effect of Brand Personality on Brand Equity with the Mediating Role of Brand Authenticity (in Consumers of Majid Brand Sports Products)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A in Sport Management, University of Eyvanakey, Tehran, Iran

2 , Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Farhangian University, Pardis Shahid Chamran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate professor in sport management,,Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The present study was conducted with the modeling approach and with the aim of determining the effect of brand personality on brand equity with the mediating role of brand authenticity in the consumers of Majid brand sports products. The statistical population of the present research consists of all consumers of Majid brand sports products. Based on Cochran's sampling formula, 384 consumers of Majid brand sports products were selected as the sample. In order to collect data, demographic characteristics form, Kadirov’s (2010) brand authenticity questionnaire, Kim and Hyun’s (2011) brand equity questionnaire, and Geuens et al.’s (2009) brand personality questionnaire were used. In order to analyze the conceptual model, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used. Findings showed that there is a significant relationship between "brand personality" and "brand equity" (p<0.05). There is also a significant relationship between "brand personality" and "brand Authenticity "(p<0.05). And finally, there is a significant relationship between "brand Authenticity " and "brand equity"(p<0.05). Based on the confirmed model, it can be interpreted that brand personality has a direct effect on brand equity (PC=0.69) and brand Authenticity. (PC=0.41). Furthermore, Brand personality has an indirect effect on brand equity through brand Authenticity (PC = 0.20).


Main Subjects

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