Designing a Multi-level Model of Employer Branding in Trade Banking System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabatabe’i University

2 Ph.D candidate, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabatabe’i University


 The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting employer branding with a multi-level approach in the commercial banking industry. The research is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative approach in terms of method. Participants include informants and experts in the commercial banking system who were selected from the top and selected private and public banks in the cities of Shiraz and Tehran by means of purposeful judgment sampling. The data collection tool was interview. In order to analyze the data in the interview section, the theme / theme analysis technique was used. The results showed that 14 themes such as interventions and coercion of upstream institutions, international relations, laws and regulations, technological developments, competition in industry, socio-cultural developments, political developments, governance policies, etc. at the macro level Employer branding is effective in commercial banking system. At the intermediate level, 36 themes such as organizational climate, geographical location, dynamic and flexible organizational structure, organizational transparency, social responsibility, quality of reward system, quality of compensation system, organizational discipline, job rotation and enrichment, etc. was effective on branding the bank's employer. Finally, 8 themes include freedom of action at work, volunteers 'personality and behavioral characteristics, individual needs and motivations, gaining social status, job-specific characteristics, volunteers' beliefs and values, desire for personal development, and desire to be appreciated working at the micro level had an impact on employer branding in the commercial banking system.


Main Subjects

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