Exploring a Conceptual Model of Brand Image Based on the ADO Framework (A Systematic Review Method)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Marketing Management, Alzahra University.Tehran. Iran.


We are facing an increasing number of studies related to the concept of the brand, especially the brand image and the concepts derived from it. As a gap, there are some conflicting contents extracted around this concept that motivated and prompted the researcher to do a systematic review based on the ADO framework in this field to classify, consolidate and integrate the results of the findings of other authors and to explain the integrated concept of brand image, its antecedents, and outcomes.  Therefore, based on the four-step pattern of systematic review qualitative research method, a search plan for articles in valid databases was developed.
In the next step, the best articles that were considered qualified according to the main research question were downloaded, selected, screened, and evaluated for deeper investigations and findings for the appropriate answer to the research question.
 In this process, 33 eligible articles were selected for the final evaluation. The research findings from previous studies show that the focal construct of brand image includes at least 53 codes as antecedents and 20 codes as outcomes. These codes are classified as a conceptual model in the form of six cognitive, perceptual-attitudinal, sensory, emotional, communicative, and behavioral dimensions at different levels such as customer level, organization level, national level, and transnational level. As a result, an empirical test of the proposed model is suggested to future researchers.


Main Subjects

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