Designing Employee Personal Branding Model in Iran's Insurance Industry through Grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Behavioral management, Faculty of Management. University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Profe, Human Resources and Business Management Group, Faculty of Management, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Business Management Dep., Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Employee personal branding plays an important role in achieving increasing success in the business environment. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of designing employee personal branding model in Iran's Insurance Industry.The research paradigm is interpretive and its approach is inductive. In terms of purpose, it is applied-developmental studies and in terms of the nature of the method, it is exploratory research. In this research, the method of systematic Grounded was used. The statistical population of the study were expert university professors in the field of Branding and personal branding and supervisors, consultants, deputies and active managers in the insurance industry in Tehran who were familiar with the topics of personal branding. Snowball sampling method was used for sampling, which is an unlikely method. Adequacy of sampling was achieved by theoretical sampling method, which was performed after conducting semi-structured interviews with 7 university professors and 18 experts that with the theoretical saturation data collection was stopped. The research findings obtained based on the three stages of open coding, axial and selective. Totally, 110 concepts of the collected data was obtained and through coding was transformed into 35 sub-categories and finally 6 main categories related to the main research topic. The dimensions of employee personal branding as a central phenomenon can be classified into 6 dimensions of Employee personal brand positioning, perceptual ability, communication ability, behavioral ability, Professional-specialized ability and insight or value ability, which are taken from 35 concepts.


Main Subjects

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