The Role of Brand Gender on the Formation of consumer's Passion-driven Behavior

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Business Management Department in faculty of management, Kharazmi university,Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Business Management Dep., Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Master of Business Management, Kharazmi university


 Brand gender is an important factor in the demographic structure of the brand that the various consequences of which have been studied. Considering the role of gender in strengthening self-concept and the formation of behaviors, the present research has studied the relationship between brand gender and passion-driven behavior which is an important behavior in the formation of brand equity. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to deeply understand the relationship between brand gender and passion-driven behavior with the analysis of the mediating role of consumer engagement and brand love in Instagram. The method of this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey method. The statistical population of the research is Instagram users of SAARC, SLEBEN, HAKOPIAN and LCM brands. The sample size is calculated based on Klein formula. 174 questionnaires for men and 154 questionnaires for women were collected and analyzed based on structural equations. Findings showed that the masculine and feminine characteristics of the brand do not have a positive and significant effect on passion-driven behavior. Consumer engagement and brand love are influenced by masculine and feminine characteristics, but the intensity of the effect of masculine brand identity on consumer engagement and brand love is greater than female one. Brand gender also indirectly affects passion-driven behavior of women and men by influencing consumer engagement and brand love.


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