The Impact of the Story Character of the Brand's International Advertising in Social Media on Consumers Engagement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master student, Shahed University،Tehran،Iran

2 Associate Professor, Shahed University


The Story is a form of communication that establishes an effective connection with the mind and perpetuates a communication message in the mind. Effective video advertising also uses storytelling to entertain audiences, express brand values, and build an emotional connection with consumers. As consumers are active partners in the process of value co-creation in social networks, the concept of consumer engagement is one of the concepts that have attracted the attention of researchers and marketers in recent years. The present study sought to find out how the narrative element of character in social network advertising is related to consumer engagement's cognitive, emotional, and behavioural dimensions. In this study, by adopting ethnographic techniques in the study of online communities, through netnography, by exploring non-intervening natural interactions in online groups, consumer behaviour in the social network has been analysed. Findings of this study show that character, by identification, creates the most emotional engagement in the audience and plays a major role in stimulating the phenomenon of self-disclosure. The results also show that consumer engagement is on a continuum from negative to positive.


Main Subjects

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