Exploring the Barriers and Challenges of Urban Branding in Iran and Providing Appropriate Solutions (Case Study: Kermanshah)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Dpt. Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 -Master of Science in Business Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. afshin


The present study was conducted to investigate the obstacles and challenges facing urban branding in Iran and to provide appropriate solutions (case study: Kermanshah). Data collection in this study was done with a qualitative approach and using in-depth and semi-structured interview techniques. The sample in this study consists of experts in the field of urban branding, which was selected by the logic of theoretical sampling and snowball technique of 18 people. The data collection process continued with the conceptual emergence of new structures until theoretical saturation was achieved; the data were then coded and the concepts and categories were categorized. The findings of this paper indicate that the challenge of urban branding in the city of Kermanshah is influenced by several factors that in the present paper deals with thirteen categories and forty-seven concepts that play a role more independently or intertwined than other factors. Briefly, the results of this study showed; Lack of efforts for urban branding in the city of Kermanshah has caused that instead of positive and desirable images of the city of Kermanshah, contradictory and contradictory images are transmitted to the audience.


Main Subjects

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