The Impact of Business Intelligence Assets and Capabilities on Business Value Creation (Case Study: Knowledge-Based Software Companies in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor،Department of MBA, Kharazmi University،Tehran،Iran

2 Master of Information Technology Management، Alzahra University، Tehran، Iran

3 Assistant Professor، Department of Information Technology Management, Alzahra University،Tehran، Iran،


Business intelligence as a competitive advantage integrates the organization's data and information and allows managers to control and navigate key organizational processes and is a basis for effective decision making. Despite the vitality of business intelligence, the use of business intelligence capabilities in public and private organizations in Iran is at a low level compared to other countries and only some institutions benefit from the existence of this technology. This study aims to investigate the effect of assets and capabilities of business intelligence on creating business value in knowledge-based companies. The statistical population included 162 experts and experts of Knowledge-based software Companies in Tehran. 23 sample companies were selected randomly and a questionnaire with 41 items was distributed among employees, experts and experts of knowledge-based software companies in Tehran. The method of this research is descriptive-survey. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 statistical software using linear


Main Subjects

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