The effect of interactive marketing on brand loyalty by explaining the mediating role of brand fascination and Institutional reputation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc student of Business Administration, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran.


In today's world, the real mission of organizations is fulfilling the needs and demands of customers and providing solutions that lead to their loyalty (Yavas, 2009). Brand loyalty is an important business strategy to achieve long-term success and a deep psychological commitment for repurchasing and patronage of one or more items (Górska-Warsewicz and Kulykovets, 2020). Interactive marketing of products and services is considered as one of the significant and influential factors in the formation of customer loyalty and also an important concept in marketing to maintain and develop customer loyalty that its main goal is developing relationships with them (Jahanzaib, Niazi, Hamid, and Ghaffar, 2018). Interactive marketing can influence brand fascination. Brand fascination is a basic emotional and completely positive attitude toward a specific brand that translates into emotional attachment and related behavioral factors (Qorbanzadeh et al., 2020). Besides, brand loyalty in the long term leads to institutional reputation and attracting customers. Organizational reputation is important for attracting new customers. This shows loyalty to organizations that have better economic performance and reputation (Mahmood and Haider, 2020). Accordingly the purpose of this research is answering this question that, what is the mediating role of brand fascination and organizational reputation on brand loyalty in Lorestan Post Bank?


Main Subjects

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