Indirect Investigation of Immoral and Offensive Behaviors on the Brand of Shared Businesses (Case Study of Tehran Internet Taxis)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Qeshm Branch،Islamic Azad University،Qeshm,،Iran

2 business management, management and accounting, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

3 Department of Business Management, Qeshm Branch،Islamic Azad University،Qeshm, Iran


In recent years, the activity of Shared businesses in providing Internet taxi services has been successful. The trust of Iranian families in the Internet taxi system has led to the prosperity and variety of services of this business, the immoral behaviors of some drivers, concerns for passengers Created. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of immoral and offensive behaviors of Internet taxis and the resulting scandal on the popularity of the Internet taxi brand. To examine the subject of the standardized questionnaire taken from the research of Grégoire et al (2010), Reynolds and Harris (2009), Mende et al (2013), Gelbrich (2010), Capella et al (2010), Zhou et al (2010) used. The validity of the questionnaire was measured by content and structure method and through confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. And then it was distributed and collected among 384 passengers of Tehran Internet Taxi completely randomly. The results of research from the analysis in SPSS AMOS software show that unfair behaviors have a negative effect on the popularity of the Internet taxi brand. Satisfaction, affiliation and verbal advertising of Internet taxi service consumers affect the popularity of the Internet taxi brand in Tehran. "Acceptance of immoral and offensive behaviors" mediates the relationship between consumers' dependence on Internet taxi services and brand popularity.


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