Designing and Explaining Local Digital Marketing Model in the Iranian Banking System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Business Management, Shahre Ghods Branch، Islamic Azad University، Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor،Department of Business Management, Tarbiat Modares University،Tehran، Iran.

3 Associate Professor، Department of Business Management, Shahre Ghods Branch،Islamic Azad University،Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate Professor،Department of Accounting، Karaj Branch،Islamic Azad University،Karaj, Iran.


The main purpose of this study is designing and explaining the indigenous model of digital marketing in the Iranian banking industry in order to promote digital banking. Qualitative analysis of the obtained data has been done by grounded theory approach, axial and selective coding and the requirements to performe each of these steps after analysis will eventually lead to a modeling for digital marketing in the banking industry. Findings and final achievement of the present study is a relatively comprehensive and complete model based on the implications and characteristics of Iranian banks. Against the previous models provided by other experts, considering that they have been developed for non-financial communities, in terms of dimensions, components and indicators, this model is more comprehensive and more appropriate. This research has been compared with some domestic and foreign researches. While the present research model has most of the components and indicators, a number of new and indigenous components and indicators have been identified and counted, which is a strong point for it. Finally, the comprehensiveness of introduced model and its locality for the banking system based on the current characteristics of the economic system considered the main achievement of this research.


Main Subjects

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