Designing a comprehensive pattern for Purchasing Luxury Brand Apparel in Iran Using Grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Management Dept. Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor، Alzahra University faculty member، Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics،Tehran,،Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Payame Noor University faculty member, Faculty of Management

4 Associate Professor, Alzahra University faculty member, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics


The luxury industry, especially in Apparel, has attracted a lot of attention as a profitable industry, which, besides economic value, contributes to the development of high quality products via enhancing the competition among Luxury brand owners. Therefore, the present study sets out to design a pattern for purchasing luxury brand Apparel in Iran using Grounded theory. The required data is collected through conducting a semi-structured in-depth interview with a couple of luxury brand owners and their customers in Tehran City. The data is classified and analyzed through open, axial and selective encoding processes. According to the results, the identified categories are organized in six groups, (namely causative conditions: product and brand functional factors, customer individual factors, and social factors affecting customers, interventional conditions:purchasing deterrents. strategies: customer relationship management, after-sales service and consequences: creating loyal customers, repurchasing customers, buying expensive items from the same brand, buying other supply items organized in-store and word-of-mouth), thereby resulting in the final pattern.


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