A Comprehensive Model of Store Brand Personality and the Effect of its Dimensions on Customers' Behavioral Intentions (Case of Study: Shiraz Hyperstar Mall)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS Student of Business Management،Marketing, Department of Management،Faculty of Economics،Management and Social Sciences،Shiraz University،Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Management, Faculty of Economics، Management ،Social Sciences ، Shiraz University،Shiraz, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Management, Faculty of Economics، Management ، Social Sciences،Shiraz University،Shiraz،Iran


Store brand personality is a set of human personality traits that refers to the store and is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of customers' behavioral tendencies. The aim of this study is to develope a brand personality model of Shiraz Hyperstar mall and to investigate the effects of each of its dimensions on desirable and undesirable behavioral intentions so that this store can have appropriate plans to improve the desirability of their store brand personality. In order to develope a store brand personality model, a qualitative Meta-Synthesis method has been used. After initial search and refinement of resources related to the topic of brand personality, 70 sources were selected as final sources by the critical evaluation method and then 107 initial codes were obtained by the qualitative method of document analysis using  Atlas.ti software. After refining and reclassifying the initial codes by the research team, 6 dimensions and 39 components were identified in relation to the store brand personality. The main dimensions identified are: perfectionist, love-seeker, thoughtful, hedonist, domineering and peaceful. In the quantitative part of the present study, a survey method was used to investigate the effects of each dimension of brand personality on behavioral intentions of individuals and for this purpose, 374 questionnaires were distributed among customers of Shiraz Hyperstar Collection. After analyzing the collected data through the structural equation method, it was found that the dimensions of peaceful and hedonist personality have a positive effect on the occurrence of desirable behavioral intentions and a negative effect on the occurrence of undesirable behavioral intentions among customers. It turned out that the presence of domineering personality dimension in the store brand personality has a negative effect on the occurrence of desirable behavioral intentions and a positive effect on the occurrence of undesirable behavioral intentions.


Main Subjects

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