The Role of Guerrilla Marketing in Consumer Purchase Behavior of Electronic Products. (Case: Gen Y’s Customers in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of university of Tehran

2 MSc in Executive Management. University of Tehran


Today, using innovative, unexpected, and unconventional ways to maximize the audiences at the lowest cost can make the most profit. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to identify the effect of partisan marketing on brand awareness and tendency to purchase electronic products (mobile, tablet, computer) in Y-generation customers in Tehran. To this purpose, the main drivers of guerrilla marketing (emotional marketing, environmental marketing, viral marketing, humorous marketing and ambush marketing) have been surveyed. The present study is a descriptive-survey study and an applied and cross-sectional one in terms of purpose and time. The statistical population of this study includes all individuals with Y-related characteristics in Tehran. Based on Morgan's table, 384 people were selected. The results showed that, guerrilla marketing have a positive and significant effect on brand awareness and tendency to buy Y-generation electronic products in Tehran. Among the guerrilla marketing tools, viral marketing has the most positive impact and marketing in ambush has the least significant positive impact.


Main Subjects

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