The Effect of Response to Point of Purchase Advertising on Store Brand Loyalty with the Mediating Role of the Customer's Self-Concept

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor،Department of Management، University Mohaghegh Ardabili، Ardabil،Iran

2 Associate Professor، Department of Management, University Mohaghegh Ardabili، Ardabil،Iran

3 Master of Business Administration،University Mohaghegh Ardabili


Despite the importance of retaining loyal and profitable customers for brands, the complexities of this concept make it difficult to agree on the factors that create it. This study examines the complete relationship between attitudinal variables related to point-of-purchase advertising in the retail industry (brands of chain store) by survey method. Therefore, with the aim of investigating the effect of affective response and cognitive response to point-of-purchase advertising on customer’s attitudinal and behavioral loyalty, considering the mediating role of the customer’s self-concept, it is attempt to offer a model that can explain how to build customer loyalty. For this purpose, the data taken from 357 customers of five chain stores brands in Ardabil analyzed by the structural equation model in the Maximum Likelihood way. Findings showed that the response to point-of-purchase advertising (both affective and cognitive) has a direct and significant relationship with the dimensions of loyalty (attitudinal and behavioral). Also, the mediating role of the customer's self-concept in the relationship between affective and cognitive response to point-of-purchase advertising on the dimensions of loyalty was significant. These results can help managers to increase the effectiveness of their point-of-purchase advertising design and improve profitability by increasing customer loyalty.


Main Subjects

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