Investigating the Effect of Brand Gender on the Consumer-Based Brand Equity with the Mediating role of Consumer Brand Participation and Brand Love

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Economics and Accounting،Payame Noor University،Tehran، Iran

2 Corresponding Author، Assistant Professor and Faculty Member،Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Economics and Accounting، Payame Noor University،Tehran (PO Box 19395-4697 Tehran)،Iran

3 Faculty member،Faculty of Entrepreneurship،University of Tehran،Iran

4 Master of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Economics and Accounting،Payame Noor University، Tehran،Iran


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of brand gender on consumer-based brand Equity with the mediating role of consumer brand participation and brand love. Gender differences are very important for BIC CO and BIC perfume products. Because, BIC Perfume is a successful brand and has lots of fans. This perfume has been used for both sexes and certain ages that is why it has attracted the attention of many people. In this study, 384 customers of BIC perfume were selected using a Cochran's formula as a statistical sample from an infinite population by simple random sampling. To conduct this study, a questionnaire was used. To confirm its validity, face validity, convergent validity and divergent validity were used, and for its reliability, Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability coefficient were used. Data analysis was performed with SPSS software and Visual-PLS software. The results showed that the masculinity of the brand (0.116) and femininity of the brand (0.211) have a significant effect on the Equity of the consumer-based brand. Brand masculinity (0.316) and brand femininity (0.594) have a significant effect on consumer brand participation too. Brand masculinity (0.396) and brand femininity (0.519) also have a significant effect on brand love. Consumer brand participation has a significant effect on brand love (0.227) and consumer-based brand Equity (0.884). Brand love has a significant effect on consumer-based brand Equity (0.459) and finally, Consumer brand participation and brand love play a mediating role in the relationship between brand gender and consumer-based brand Equity.


Main Subjects

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