Creating the Brand Image: Investigation the Role of Instagram User`s Experience on Customers of Sharing Economy Platforms

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Entrepreneurship،Faculty of Management, College of Farabi، University of Tehran، Qom، Iran

2 Faculty Member، Department of Corporate Entrepreneurship،Faculty of Entrepreneurship،University of Tehran،Tehran، Iran

3 Master of Business، Faculty of Management، College of Farabi،University of Tehran, Qom،Iran

4 Master of Marketing،Faculty of Management, College of Farabi, University of Tehran، Qom، Iran.


 The reduction of primary resources and the advancement of technology in the world, tempt the people around the world to share their unused assets through online platforms. Internet has provided an opportunity for users to share their experiences of using these platforms in the form of comments that create brand image in the minds of other users. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of user experience on their tendency to create online content and the impact of this content on creating a brand image of the shared economy platform. In terms of purpose, this study is applied and survey in terms of method. In order to do confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling with Amous 22 software is used. Accordingly, 394 people who used the SNAP platform and have shared their experiences on Instagram were selected randomly and standard questionnaire distributed among them. Research shows that customer experience is an important motivating factor for producing content on Instagram, which leads to creating brand image about a sharing-economy platform.


Main Subjects

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