Improving the Mental Position of Brand by Improving the Brand Personality: A Mixed Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . PhD student in Business Management - Shahid Beheshti University

2 Associate Professor, University of Guilan


  Today's competitive condition and high environmental turbulence necessitate the improvement of brand position in customers' minds. Accordingly, the purpose of the present research is first identifying the desired potential personal attributes of Alef bank' brand in students minds and using them to improve their brand position, accordingly and then, feasibility study of adding these attributes to brand personality by considering their relationship with brand essence elements of Alef bank. To do so, Tehran students were interviewed and 6 desired potential personality attributes were dentified: trustworthy, responsible, active, social, generous, and purposeful. In the second phase of the research, by using a questionnaire and analyzing the gathered data, it is found that "trustworthy" and "social" have the highest positive causal relationship with the elements of brand essence. So, these attributes have the most feasibility to be added to brand identity and position. It is also found that "generous" has the highest negative causal relationship with the elements of brand essence, so it has the lowest feasibility in this relationship.


Main Subjects

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