Investigating the Effect of Employer Brand on Brand Culture in Hamedan Social Security Organization: The Mediating Role of Organizational Pride

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 MSc. in Marketing Management, University College of Ganjnameh, Hamedan, Iran

3 MSc. Student in Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the employer brand of the Social Security Organization on the brand culture by the mediating role of organizational pride. The present research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive research and correlation in terms of method and structural equations has been used. The statistical population of this study is all social security employees in Hamadan that are totally 210 persons. The statistical sample was estimated to be 132 ones using Morgan table and simple random method. The tool for measuring research variables is standard questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using PLS software. The results of structural equations showed that the employer brand has a significant effect on brand culture through the mediating role of organizational pride. The employer brand affected organizational pride by 44%, organizational pride affected brand culture by 36%, and the employer brand explained brand culture by 66%. Organizational pride also influenced the relationship between the employer brand and the brand culture by 51% as a mediating variable. It is suggested to the managers of the Social Security Organization that in order to develop brand culture among employees, they should strengthen their employer brand and strengthen the sense of organizational pride in them.



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