Meta-analysis the antecedents and consequences of Employer brand in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Economics and Accounting, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran


Today, recruiting and retaining talented and competent human resources has become an important challenge for organizations, and various researchers have pointed to the importance of the human capital as a source of competitive advantage.In this way, This study has been done by using meta-analysis method and survey the results of researches about the affecting factors on Employer brand in Iran.The comprehensive meta-analysis software (CMA) used for data analysis. This research is applied in terms of purpose. The study populations were all research papers on this subject that have been conducted in Iran until 2020. In this study 23 independent and 14 dependent variables were identified. The results of this meta-analysis show that variables such as Organizational Capacities, External Factors, Assessment and Impact, Strategy, Internal Factors, Brand Identity and Adaptation, Work Environment Security and Desirability, Organization Reputation, Collaboration, Distinct and Applied Value, Social Value, Target Group Needs, Logo and Mental Image, Economic and market value, branding and branding, feedback have had the greatest impact on Employer brand. Also, the results of this study showed that Employer brand affects important organizational variables such asExternal Outcome, Internal Outcome, and Willingness to Quit, Employee Satisfaction, Social Capital, Employee Retention, Organizational Identity, Organization Image, Goals Transparency, Employment Intention, Organizational Commitment, and Loyalty.


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