Investigating the impact of celebrity endorsement advertisements on the attitudes of Women customer considering the role of self- concept moderator (Case study: the consumers of cosmetics in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 (Corresponding author) Associate Professor of business management Kurdistan University, Kurdistan, Iran.

2 Master student of marketing management Kurdistan University, Kurdistan, Iran


Nowadays, the significance of advertising in business prosperity is known to everyone and business owners are well aware that neglecting the advertisement can do severe loss to their businesses. One of the most common technique used in advertising is the use of celebrities who endorse the product. In today's world, the use of these people in advertising is part of the organizations costs to their product sales promotion. The purpose of the present research is to Investigate the impact of celebrity endorsement advertisement on the attitudes of women consumers of cosmetics considering the role of self- concept as a moderator. This research is Practical in terms of purpose and descriptive in nature. The statistical population of this study consisted of women consuming cosmetics in Tehran who were exposed to advertising. Using Cochran formula and non-probability sampling method, a sample of 384 people was selected from the population. The data collection tool was a questionnaire (taken from Esmail por et al, 2017) whose validity and reliability were confirmed. Structural equation modelling and SPSS and AMOS software were used for data analysis. The findings of the study indicate that advertising by celebrity endorsers has a direct and significant effect on attitudes and self-concept of women cosmetics consumers. But self-concept has no direct and significant effect on the attitudes of women who used cosmetics in Tehran.


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