Designing and explaining the behavior model of counterfeit goods consumers (Products studied: sports shoes, perfume, sunglasses and auto spare parts)

Document Type : Research Paper


shahid beheshti university


 As there are no strong laws and regulations in the fight against the production and supply of counterfeit products in Iran, it can almost be concluded that the prevention and the fight against the production and supply of these products is very difficult or even impossible in Iran. The only way to fight against the counterfeit products is to prevent counterfeit products from being consumed by customers who are consciously or unconcsciously buying these products. Accordingly, in this study, the factors affecting the purchase behavior of counterfeit products are identified. The method of this research is developmental. In this research, a qualitative method is used to develop a conceptual model. The statistical sample of the study consisted of 15 consumers of four groups of counterfeit goods. Theme analysis and interpretive structural modeling (ISM) are used to analyze the data. The findings resulted in providing the conceptual model of the research. In the conceptual model, the variables of individual characteristics, product-specific characteristics, cultural and social characteristics, and purchasing situations and conditions are identified as predictive variables; attitudes and tendency to purchase counterfeit products as intermediary variables; the purchase continuation of a counterfeit product as a dependent variable and the counterfeit products perception as a moderator variable.


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