The Effect of the Perceived Brand Relation Orientation on Brand Performance by Explaining the role of Expected Emotions and Customer Identification with the Brand (Case Study: Tehran Laleh Hotel Customers)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor In Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economic, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran

2 PhD، of Business Management, University of Tehran،Tehran،Iran

3 Ph،D، of Business Management, University of Tehran،Tehran،Iran


By increasing the tourism and hotel industry researchers’ attention to the importance of the relationship between the customer and brand, hotels are increasingly trying to improve their relationships with their customers. Considering the fact that customer's favorable emotions toward the brand leads to hotels positive functional performance, studying the specific emotional and cognitive mechanisms related to the effect of the brand relationship orientation from customers points of view on brand performance will bring important theoretical and practical implications. By explaining the role of the expected emotions and customer identification, this study aimed at investigating the perceived brand relation orientation effects on brand performance. In terms of purpose, this study is applied, and considered as a descriptive-survey with regard to data collection. Structural equation modeling and Liserel software were used for Data analyzing. A standard questionnaire was used as the research data collecting tool. The validity of the questionnaire was calculated through the content validity and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The statistical population in this research was customers of Laleh hotel in Tehran. The convenience sampling method was used and the sample size was 384. The results showed that the brand-oriented relationship has a significant positive effect on the share of customer's wallets, the intention of their re-residence, expected emotions and customer identification. The findings also indicated that the expected emotions and customer identification with the brand have a significant effect on the share of the customer's wallet and the intention to reside. The results of indirect effects also indicated that expected emotions and customer identification as mediatory variables play an important role in influencing the perceived brand relationship on the share of customer wallet and the intention to their re-residence.


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