Corporate brand Building by Using the Approach of grounded Theory (Case Study: Construction Industry Companies)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof,Faculty of Management, Tehran University، Tehran،ran

2 Assistance Prof،Faculty of Management, Tehran University،Tehran،Ira

3 Associate Prof، Faculty of Social Science and Economy، Tehran, Iran

4 Ph,D،Student, Faculty of Management, Tehran University، Tehran, Iran


A strong brand enables an organization to create competitive advantage. Construction industry is one of those environments in which corporate brand building is getting important. The main purpose of this study is to develop a model for brand building in Iran’s construction industry. Grounded theory was used as a research method to create the model. Sixteen semi-structured interviews were conducted. The participants included Sales, marketing, technical, CEO Managers and consultants of construction companies. The results showed six main themes as casual’s conditions of brand building in construction companies. The themes include commitment to customer, quality of construct, identity creation, interactive symbol and Market orientation. Structural Prerequisites factor is a grounded condition to implement brand building strategies. There are five strategies or practices such as image creation, awareness making, adaptive participation, after delivery services and product extension which can build brand in construction companies. The consequences of brand building strategies include brand positive image, positive associates, brand trust and a strong competitive position.


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