Factors affecting the purchase intention of luxury brands based on generalized theory of planned behavior

Document Type : Research Paper


1 (corresponding author)Assistant Professor of Business Administration Department, Faculty of Management ،Accounting،Allameh Tabataba’i university

2 Associated Professor of Business Administration Department, Faculty of Management ، Accounting، Allameh Tabataba’i university

3 Master of science of Business Administration،Faculty of Management ، Accounting، Allameh Tabataba’i university


Marketers and researchers have attracted to luxury bands in recent years. This paper is discussing the factors that aff purchase intention of luxury brands by applying the generalized theory of planned behavior. This research is in the field of applied research and is a descriptive one. Statistical population of this research, are consumers of Dorsa Leather brand in Tehran. This study was conducted by distributing questionnaires among 390 Dorsa Leather consumers by cluster sampling method.The Data was analyzed by structural equations with partial least squares approach. Furthermore, SPSS and Smart PLS software were utilized for analyzing process. The result indicates that attitude, perceived behavioral control and group conformity are the main factors that tend to influence purchase intention of luxury brands. Meanwhile, according to the result, subjective norms and face-saving have no significant effect on purchase intention. The variables of face-saving and group conformity had positive and significant impact on attitude and they also have positive and significant impact on purchase intention through attitude.


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