Analyzing the concept of “brand portfolio strategy”: a systematic review

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Business Management Groups

2 Business Management Department

3 Business Management Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

4 Business Management Deparment, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The high volume of the research related to "brand portfolio" and the derived concepts from it, and on the other hand, a wide and yet conflicting spectrum of findings motivated the authors to categorize the findings and elaborate the concept, dimensions, drivers and impacting factors on the subject, in addition to systematically review of the previous researches. Based on the four-step model of systematic review of Okoli & Schabram (2010) and Iden et al (2017), the search strategy of the papers was developed, the searching process in related databases was started and more appropriate articles were selected in order to achieve a deeper analysis. Findings of the research show that the concept of brand portfolio strategy have been transformed from identity-based to systemic approaches and then is changing to structure-oriented and hierarchical concepts. In addition, brand scope and the relationship between brand portfolio and brand visual elements are among the most important dimensions of brand portfolio strategy, which are affected by internal factors like brand related and performance factors and also external factors like consumer-related and competitor factors.


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