Interpretation of Brand Image formation in Cosmetic Industry, Based on Social Medias’ Video Content

Document Type : Research Paper


1 management,Alzahra university,Tehran,Iran

2 Management Dep. Faculty of Social Science & Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Management Department, Faculty of Social Science and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The ever-increasing use of various video content in social media marketing has made it necessary to examine their impact on brand image. However, there have been a few studies about the importance of video content in Iranian brand marketing. Therefore, the purpose of this research is systematic and comprehensive examination of the impact of using different social media video content marketing on the audience perception and formation of brand image in cosmetic industry. This study methodologically is mixture of quantitative and qualitative, design structural-interpretative model by using focused group method and structural-interpretative modeling technique. Findings determined that each of the video content affects a particular dimension of brand image. Video content that exclusively focused on brand had superlative impact on sensory perception of the brand, video content containing social responsibility have had the most impact on emotional perception and finally, video content that is related to the brand and is contained of information about the product and production process has the greatest impact on the brand’s cognitive perception; And overall it has the most impact on brand image.
