Designing a sports urban brand with grounded theory approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Sport Management University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran.

2 Associate professor of Sport Management, Faculty of physical education and sport sciences. University of Mazandaran. Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran.


A sports urban brand can create new jobs and incomes in the host community ;therefore identification of factors influencing sports urban development and the development of communication of the involved variables is essential. the purpose of this research is to use the grounded theory approach to design a sports urban model. This research is a qualitative research in the field of inductive paradigm. In the present study, the semi-structured interview was used as a data gathering Instrument which data was analyzed using open source, axial and theoretical coding. Sampling was performed using judgmental sampling method and was followed up to theoretical saturation, which included a total of 15 interviewees. The results of the qualitative section showed that for the urban sports development of sport, four components and 72 factors should be considered, which include: factors related to urban infrastructure with 35 factors, factors related to sports events with 24 factors, Factors Related to media marketing with 5 factors and tourism-related factors with 8 factors. The country's sports managers and urban officials can build a modern urban environment based on urban branding, in order to benefit the citizens from its material and spiritual benefits.


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