Using ZMET technique for exploring current and ideal brand image

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor, MBA department, faculty of management, University of Tehran

2 faculty of management, University of Tehran


Since organizations pay significant attention to customers, knowledge about the way customers think about organization is necessary. One of the main aspects of customer perception of organization is brand image for which customers thoughts and feelings should be investigated. This study aims to investigate customers’ thoughts and feelings toward Parsian Bank in the form of current and ideal brand image by using ZMET method and doing 18 semi-structured interviews. After the analysis of data extracted from the interviews, current and ideal brand image consensus maps were drawn. Differentiation, staff manner, color harmony, good feeling, e-banking, willingness to reuse, queue system, class, and tranquillity are the key constructs in the current brand image consensus map, and profit, e-banking, wasting time, staff manner, advertisements and prizes, new services, decoration, convenience, speed, class, tranquillity, trust, number of customers, differentiation, diversity, access, customer-orientation, order and doing things right are the main constructs of the ideal brand image consensus map.


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