A personal branding model for business coaches based on the grounded theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty of Entrepreneurship- University Of Tehran

2 university Of Tehran

3 university of Tehran


Today, the branding subject has become one of the most important topics in marketing. Considering its increasing importance, the purpose of this research is to provide a branding model for business coaches. This research has been conducted with a qualitative approach and the grounded theory method. In this research, interviews were conducted with 11 business coaches using theoretical sampling method. Then, the data were analyzed and 72 initial conceptual statements of open coding, 23 categories of pivotal coding and 6 main factors of selective coding were identified. Based on the research results, the main phenomenon of this research is the personal branding process which has been considered the causal conditions (motivational patterns, role model, increasing demand), context factors (individual infrastructure, cultural factors), intervening factors (legal infrastructure, economic conditions, The competitive environment in the industry has been formed through marketing strategies, the establishment of a standard of performance, the use of a variety of media, active physical presence, building trust, creating differentiation, social attitudes into the four categories of business development outcomes, social acceptance, increased incomes, Increase credibility.


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