Identification of dimensions affecting nation brand association on attracting international students with entrepreneurial intent

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Faculty of Entrepreneurship,University of Tehran

2 Master of Entrepreneurship Management, University of Tehran


Previous studies from two points of view are considerable; First nation branding achievements in addition to introduce countries cause to attract consumers, tourists and entrepreneurs to their market, second the students who participate in internship programs have significantly better understanding of conditions and requirements of starting a business and usually achieve entrepreneurial intention. This research seeks to identify the impact of the nation brand association on entrepreneurship through international internship. One of the active organizations in the field of International internship is Aiesec. The research is based on applied and descriptive-survey method. Research population included 40 International interns of Iran's Aiesec. The data analysis is conducted through Pearson correlation test, freedman test, path analysis and structural equations with smartPLS.2 software. The results show that nation brand association dimensions have positive and significant impacts on attraction of international intern. Dimension of life style has the most positive impact on attraction of intentional interns.


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