Investigation of Persian Handmade Carpet Brand Positioning in view of European Customers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Tehran University

2 Carpet Economy Group, Art and Architect Faculty, Elm o Honar Yazd University, Yazd, IRAN.


The handmade carpet industry has a long lifetime in IRAN. It was as one of important and key industries in some provinces for far decades, such that must of our export goods was carpets and rugs before oil discovery. However, handmade Persian carpet has the top position in global world market yet. Thus, this work tries to investigate the brand position of handmade Persian carpet from view of point of European customers. The research method is operational as goal. Statistical population of this research includes elites of branding and marketing of handmade carpet production in qualitative phase, and tourists and customers of some European countries in quantitative phase. Sampling method in the quantitative phase is proportional to the size of the population and based on the Cochran formula, about 384 persons were selected. An open questionnaire was designed for data collection. The SPSS software was selected for analysis of data and applying the Maen and T tests. The results showed that the “Brand Quality” has the highest level in European customers mind. The “Brand Recognition”, “Brand Leadership”, “Brand Experience”, and “Brand Specialization” have the next levels. The “Brand Innovation” has the lowest level, however. As an important result, Persian handmade carpet brand is repeating over and over, and is weak from view of innovation. Thus it is recommended to designers and producers of this brand, to use this important finding to improve the brand’s position in future products.

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